這幾天小光來我家玩,看到[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 覺得很好用也想買一個

急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~

雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)在各大平台折價後的價格,再決定在哪家買


[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!








Protective, fun and functional case custom-designed for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Also fits iPad Air 2 and iPad Air 1)

With flexible, foam construction, the lightweight iGuys are the perfect 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air accessories for families with young children

For cartoon hour, the iGuy stands at attention-while it holds your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1-offering a convenient viewing angle for short people.

搶購 The iGuy's little arms and soft foam make it easy-and even fun-to hold.

Available in a variety of colors

Meet iGuy - the freestanding foam case for 9.7-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad Air 1 with tons of personality! Every bit protective as he is a blast to use, iGuy is the perfect accessory for 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air for kids and grownups alike. He's lightweight, easy to hold, and he can stand on his own two feet, even while holding up your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1. He may look like he's all about fun, but his soft, squishy body disguises tough EVA foam protection. iGuy iPad Pro or iPad Air covers will help you feel more secure as you hand your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air over to your baby or small child!



Brand Name


Item model numberCP值爆表


Item Weight

12.6 ounces

Product Dimensions

10.9 x 0.9 x 7.1 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H

10.88 x 0.88 x 7.13 inches


Caribbean blue



Shipping Weight

1 pounds




[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




波多黎各今和舊金山巨人進行熱身賽,儘管波多黎各在前8局靠著較佳的火力以5:4領先,但到了9局下牛棚卻出問題,被春訓至今打擊火燙的Chris Marrero(馬雷羅)敲出再見2分彈,以5:6慘遭對手翻盤。

波多黎各今天前5局得點圈沒有敲出安打,但是卻很能適時利用犧牲打換超值推取分數,Reymond Fuentes和Javier Baez都有打點的表現,幫助球隊開局取得2:0的領先。

雖然巨人軍在7局下靠著回鍋的Michael Morse的2分彈,將比數給逆轉成3:2,不過波多黎各在8局上又靠著單局2保送和3支安打,打回3分,反倒又要回2分的領先優勢。

不過此時他們的牛棚卻開始出問題,先是Miguel Mejia在8局下被敲三壘安打後,捕手Roberto Perez發生捕逸,免費奉送給對方1分。9局下Emilio Pagan上場關門,卻在保送了首棒打者後,被Marrero逮中失投球,一棒將球掃出全壘打牆,終結了本場比賽,最終以5:6慘遭對手逆轉。

Marrero春訓至今長打火力相當兇猛,目前已轟出3發全壘打、打回8分打點,雖然打擊率.238略為偏低,不過攻擊指數卻是優異的.939,預計他本季將擔任替補一壘手,分擔陣中球星Brandon Belt的重擔。




廣告展現了平昌冬奧會舉辦地江原道的魅力。這個廣告將在CNN、BBC Worldwide、歐洲體育台(EuroSport)等媒體播出,南韓各大機場、客運站、地鐵站也可看到這個廣告。1060118

[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 討論, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 部落客, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 比較評比, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 使用評比, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 開箱文, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)?推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 評測文, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) CP值, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Speck Products 77641-2479 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1) 去哪買?


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